Books by Max Dashu
What they didn’t teach us about women in Greek myth and iconography: a richly illustrated ethnohistorical sourcebook. Women’s dance, ceremony, and spiritual culture from 1600 BCE to 300 CE: bee and snake shapeshifters, priestesses, prophecy, goddess temples. But also sexual politics of war and captivity, conquest and slaving, and the origins of “rape culture” in Western Civ. Ariadne of the Labyrinth, Herophile the Sibyl, the diviner Manto, Iō the once-priestess of Hera; the Libyan Danaides, Helen of Sparta, Kassandra of Troy, and the prophetic but persecuted daughter, Melanippe the Wise.
$24.99 + shipping (Currently shipping to US addresses. International shipping coming soon!)
1. Patriarkhia
2. Priestesses
3. Barbarai: Untamed Foreign Women
4. Amazones Antianeirai
5. Maenads, Dionysos, and Orpheus
6. Women Outside the Lines: Philosophers, Poets, Writers
7. Pharmakides: Greek Witches
Forthcoming in 2024
A compelling exploration of language, archaeology, and literature that illuminates hidden cultural heritages: women’s ceremonies for the Fates; old ethnic names for ‘witch’ as wisewoman; the women who go by night with Diana or Holda. From forgotten heathen strands, the book reweaves the ripped webs of women’s culture. Annotated; 140 illustrations.
$24.99 + shipping (This book is available for international as well as shipping!)
Vol V in the series Secret History of the Witches will be open access on the Suppressed Histories site. Why? It is relevant to the rapid spread of authoritarianism and fascist movements allied to patriarchal and imperial religious fundamentalism. That’s what happened when the Roman Empire transmogrified Christianity (or rather Paulianity) into its state religion. it is urgent to know about how the authoritarian Church developed, and the destruction it wreaked on women, pagans, Jews, and Christians who dissented from orthodox doctrines. Those heterodox Christians were called “heretics,” after the Greek word αiρεσις, which originally meant “choice,” then a system of principles, and finally a philosophical school or sect.
Coming Soon!
A rich collection of goddesses, spirits and ancestors from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas and Pacific, from rock art, sculpture, murals, ceramic paintings and codices. Fifty magnificent icons of the female Divine from the Suppressed Histories Archives, with drawings and commentary by Max Dashu. Nature divinities, animals, trees of life; Indigenous, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and Pagan images.
$14.99 + shipping (Currently shipping to US addresses. International shipping coming soon!)